I quit my job a month before Zander came so I could get ready. I was serving in the RS Presidency and became President in May. It was a great learning experience and I really did love the women I served. Zander and I have become best friends and we enjoy making each other laugh.
Zander was born on June 6, 2013 8lb 4oz and 21" long. He is happy most of the time and very adventurous. Here are a few of his milestones for the year 2013
Birth/Month 1 - hold up head
Month 3 - rolls onto tummy, first haircut
Month 4 - crawling (pushes with back legs), scoots
Month 5 - first two bottom teeth, says dadadada
Month 6 - says mamamama
Most of these pictures are most recent to not as recent. I just got the videos working so I hope you enjoy!
Most of these pictures are most recent to not as recent. I just got the videos working so I hope you enjoy!
Shopping is so exhausting...
Merry Christmas ho ho ho
Daddy likes to fall asleep when we hang out.
Taking a nap in my favorite spot!
Change that! This is my favorite spot!
Wait... This is my favorite spot! With my Dad!