Monday, December 20, 2010


I know that this is another cliche thing to write about but I can't get over how true it is. Today has been very interesting. I have spent a lot of time listening and asking questions and talking to different family members about controversial topics. Christmas time is a time for joy and love. A time were I can remember why Christ came and why I need him. Yesterday I watched Mr.Kruger's Christmas and was amazed at how Mr.Kruger understood where he received his strength. Today I spent a while in my scriptures, and specifically in Mosiah. There were two chapters especially that was directly connected and talked about the Atonement. In chapter 14 verse 6 it says "All... have gone astray;" Isn't that the truth. All of us sin and all of us need the Atonement. Lately I have come to realize how powerful forgiveness is, and how hard it can be to not judge others. Sometimes I think it is easy to look at a situation and say 'this is what they should have done' or 'I can't believe they did that' but really none of us can know what that person was feeling or thinking when they acted a certain way. If someone has wronged me what needs to happen? Turning to the scriptures it gives me the answer. Verse 5 says "and with his stripes we are healed." What else is there? Vengeance is not the answer. I can't get even or make it right. Only the Savoir can do that. So how can I feel better? I turn to the Savoir, apply the Atonement of Christ. Remember the miracle of his birth and be grateful that I can read it in my scriptures. I am so blessed!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Today I am grateful for babies. I got to spend some time over at Cherri's house last night and got to play with Paisley. She is 7 months old and just a doll! She is easy to smile and laugh and is fun to play with. In some of the discussion a friend told of a study done on babies. It goes something like this... Babies were put on one side of a room and the mothers on the other side. The floor was glass and if you didn't know it would trick you into thinking that if you took one step you could fall onto a cement floor. The baby was beckoned by the mother to come to her and if she had a happy face then the baby would come if she had a concerned or scared face the baby could read that emotion and would stop. The more I am around and learn about babies the more I understand why Heavenly Father would ask me to be like them. If I could be as sensitive to the Spirit as a baby is to it's mother I could stay out of danger very easily. If I could easily forgive and get up and try again like a baby I could get a lot done and be so much happier! Anything is possible to a baby. They don't doubt but have complete faith. I am grateful I can learn from babies!

Friday, December 17, 2010


I am grateful for music. I was able to spend an evening with my dearest friend Stuart last night and he told me something that was quite amazing. He works with people with disabilities and currently he works with a client who can't talk and is usually not in a good mood, but yesterday Stuart made him so happy. Stuart brought his guitar and played and sang to this client. That is so powerful! The impact music can have on a person is amazing. Do I understand that power? In the family email this past week Mother said how she was so touched with Shayla for singing hymns to her daughters as they go to sleep. Music is so wonderful. There is something about music that even if you don't understand the lyrics you can still love it. It touches the spirit in a way that nothing else can. Music is special and can make the spirit connect with our Heavenly Father and our Savior. I love music and I am so grateful to have it around me!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Coworkers

Today I am grateful for my coworkers. Yesterday I was able to spend the evening with them and it reminded me how blessed I was to have this job. I have been very grateful for each job that I have had but I don't remember looking forward to coming to work so much. These women really care about me and my happiness. They celebrate when things are going well and they help me when things aren't going well. Last night Sera brought her baby and it was interesting to sit back and watch how each of us loved looking at this precious new baby. Our voices changed and we just smiled to try to make him smile. It was cool. On the way home I was riding with Cheri and she almost ran a stop sign and there was a huge dip. It was a little scary but just as it happened Cheri, instead of protecting herself reached over and tried to stabilize me so I wouldn't hit the dashboard. I was really touched by that and how much she really cares. When I got home I started watching some Mormon Messages and one of the stories talked about the pure love of Christ and how it makes us feel. I know when I am with people who care about me I can feel that love from my savior. So thank you Barbershop! You are such a blessing to me in my life!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Today I am grateful for roommates. I have the two best roommates ever. I have had good roommates before but this year has been different. Probably because I am different as well. I have been off my mission for a while now and I think it has been super good for me having to deal with companions. My roommates are RMs as well and that just makes it so much better. We all know how to work together and be happy.

Amy is wonderful. I met her last year in IWA. She was one of my leaders and when we started playing together it was always fun. She is way east to get along with and is always easy to talk to. Amy has a sound understanding and is always willing to help me though my dramas and I help her through hers. Yesterday we spent two hours doing a color and cut and it turned out great! I think I am so lucky!

Kari and I are so similar, it is uncanny. Both of us have had such hear-breaking experiences with dating and boys. We have been able to share in the sad times and, as of late, all the good times.

I love my roommates very much and hope that we will be able to always stay close friends. They are a huge blessing in my life and I know that Heavenly Father sent them to me to help me make better decisions and have good friends.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Gratitude Journal

Well I haven't written in ages and I was challenged to keep a gratitude journal and share it with my family. So this is it and you are all welcome to read it and know what I am grateful for.

Today I am grateful for friends and family. I know this is super cliche but I can't get over the feelings of gratitude I have for the people I have in my life. At work, school, church, and home, I am so blessed! At work I have the best people around me that I know care about me. They are interested in how I am doing, what I am doing and who I am dating. They are always around to lift my spirits and make me smile. I love them! I have made some incredible friends in my classes too this year. I made a goal to meet those around me and to try to remember their names and it has really made a difference. When Tony broke up with me I know that the friends I had in my classes made it so much better. I am so grateful for them. At church I have the best leaders ever! The bishop and his councilors are really great leaders. I love going to church. My co-chair to my calling has been great as well and so easy and fun to work with. Home is the best place on earth! I have so many wonderful homes. Mom and Dad are wonderful and we have tried together to make sure we are communicating our love and appreciation to each other. I know I am so blessed to have such wonderful parents that have taught me the power of a marriage. Grandma and Grandpa are both the apple of my eye and I can't stand to think of not visiting them often. I always leave their home feeling like everything will be okay and no matter what happen I will come out on top.

My siblings are the best ever! Cynthia is alway there to listen and be supportive. She cares about me and would rather go without than cause me any hurt feelings or stress. She is always thinking of how she can help me! Carla is so full of serving me and helping me that it is really hard to live up to. She will take me to dinner and give me all her undivided attention. She knows what I need and how to obtain it. I give her full credit on my current major and know she was inspired to encourage me to do that. Joseph is so patient with me. We have so much to talk about and I am so new in all this discussion he is good to explain and help me see another view. Jenn is wonderful! I don't remember life without her and appreciate all that she does for me. She is so good to listen to my dramas and give me sound feedback (which is nice after talking to Joseph). Shayla is so sincere and I know that even if I just get 2 minutes on the phone it meant a lot to her. I do miss her and the sweet Foley family but I know they are happy and this is where they need to be right now. Melanie and I have gotten a lot closer the past year and I can't express all that I feel. She has been so supportive and good to me. She makes me feel important and loved. She helps me make good decisions and will make sure I see another perspective. She is patient too. I am up and down all the time and she just rides it through.

I am grateful for the people in my life! They are Heavenly Father's gift to me! Thank you for being there for me!